When payment is authorized or received, both the customer and receive an e-mail stating that payment has been processed successfully. We then proceed with expediting your order.
In the event that goods are not in stock, you will be notified by e-mail with an expected delivery time, giving you the chance to cancel or change your order, to wait for missing goods to be replenished, or to have the shipment made in two parts (second shipment at our expense).
We ship with UPS. Fast and reliable.
Once shipped, you receive an e-mail with the Track- and trace-details, so you can follow your parcel all the way to your doorstep. The e-mail will be sent to the address supplied at the time your order was placed.
Goods are shipped using one of UPS' two services.
Standard / Expedited: their standard method which is quite fast. Standard service is used within Europe, and expedited service for overseas. Standard delivery times:
Expedited overseas 7 days.
Express (Saver): this service is even faster and more reliable but quite costly. Delivery times for Europe 1 to 7 business days / overseas 2 to 10 business days. For more info about transit times: contact our staff or see is not responsible for delayed orders due to problems with UPS. However, we will endeavor to do our best to solve problems should they occur. If you have not received the goods within the expected time frame, please contact us so we can investigate.
We do NOT ship goods to PO boxes or Poste Restante-addresses ('Packstationen').
Zone 2 | Zone 3 | Zone 4 | Zone 6 | Zone 7 | |||||||
Belgien | Dänemark | Bulgarien | Andorra | Norwegen | |||||||
Deutschland | England | Estland | Kanalinseln (Guernsey) | ||||||||
Frankreich | Schottland | Finnland | Kanalinseln (Jersey) | ||||||||
Holland | Wales | Griechenland | Liechtenstein | ||||||||
Italien | Nordirland | San Marino | |||||||||
Luxemburg | Irland | Schweiz | |||||||||
Monaco | Kroatien | ||||||||||
Niederlande | Lettland | ||||||||||
Polen | Litauen | ||||||||||
Slowakische Republik | Nordirland | ||||||||||
Tschechische Republik | Portugal | ||||||||||
Ungarn | Rumänien | ||||||||||
Schweden | |||||||||||
Slowenien | |||||||||||
Spanien | |||||||||||
each order | 8,90 | 8,90 | 14,90 | 19,90 | 39,90 | ||||||
• VAT is not included in the tariff. | |||||||||||
• For shipments to certain zip codes in remote areas eg. some islands, a surcharge may be charged. | |||||||||||
weight | Zone 2 | Zone 3 | Zone 4 | Zone 5 | Zone 6 | Zone 7 | Zone 8 | Zone 9 | Zone 10 | Zone 11 | |
Belgien | Dänemark | Azoren | Liechtenstein | Albanien | Kanada | Anguilla | China | Afghanistan | Algerien | ||
Deutschland | England | Bulgarien | Norwegen | Andorra | Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika | Antigua und Barbuda | Hongkong | Ägypten | Angola | ||
Holland | Frankreich | Estland | Schweiz | Belarus (Weissrussland) | Armenien | Indien | Argentinien | Äquatorialguinea | |||
Italien | Schottland | Finnland | Bosnien-Herzegowina | Aruba | Japan | Australien | Äthiopien | ||||
Kroatien | Wales | Griechenland | Ceuta | Aserbaidschan | Singapur | Bahrain | Bangladesch | ||||
Luxemburg | Monaco | Nordirland | Färöer-Inseln | Bahamas | Taiwan | Belize | Benin | ||||
Niederlande | Schweden | Irland | Gibraltar | Barbados | Thailand | Bolivien | Bhutan | ||||
Slowakische Republik | Lettland | Grönland | Barbuda (Antigua und Barbuda) | Brasilien | Botswana | ||||||
Slowenien | Litauen | Island | Bermuda | Chile | Brunei | ||||||
Tschechische Republik | Madeira | Kanalinseln (Guernsey) | Bonaire | Costa Rica | Burkina Faso | ||||||
Ungarn | Malta | Kanalinseln (Jersey) | Curaçao | Ecuador | Burundi | ||||||
Nordirland | Kanarische Inseln | Dominica | El Salvador | Cookinseln | |||||||
Polen | Kosovo | Dominikanische Republik | Gaza/Westjordanland | Côte d’Ivoire (Elfenbeinküste) | |||||||
Portugal | Mazedonien (FYROM) | Georgien | Guatemala | Dschibuti | |||||||
Rumänien | Melilla | Grenada | Honduras | Elfenbeinküste (Côte d’Ivoire) | |||||||
Spanien | Moldova | Guadeloupe | Indonesien | Eritrea | |||||||
Zypern | Montenegro | Haiti | Israel | Fidschi | |||||||
Russland | Jamaika | Katar | Französisch-Guayana | ||||||||
San Marino | Jungferninseln, amerikanische | Kolumbien | Französisch-Polynesien | ||||||||
Serbien | Jungferninseln, britische | Korea, Republik (Südkorea) | Gabun | ||||||||
Türkei | Kaimaninseln (Cayman Islands) | Macau | Gambia | ||||||||
Ukraine | Kasachstan | Malaysia | Ghana | ||||||||
Kirgistan | Mongolei | Guam | |||||||||
Martinique | Neuseeland | Guinea | |||||||||
Mexiko | Nigeria | Guinea-Bissau | |||||||||
Montserrat | Oman | Guyana | |||||||||
Nevis (St. Kitts-Nevis) | Pakistan | Irak | |||||||||
Puerto Rico | Panama | Jemen | |||||||||
Russland | Paraguay | Jordanien | |||||||||
Saba | Peru | Kambodscha | |||||||||
St. Barthélemy | Philippinen | Kamerun | |||||||||
St. Christopher (St. Kitts-Nevis) | Südafrika | Kap Verde | |||||||||
St. Croix (amerik. Jungferninseln) | Uruguay | Kenia | |||||||||
St. Eustatius | Venezuela | Kiribati | |||||||||
St. John (amerik. Jungferninseln) | Vereinigte Arabische Emirate | Komoren | |||||||||
St. Kitts (St. Kitts-Nevis) | Westjordanland (Gaza) | Kongo (Brazzaville) | |||||||||
St. Lucia | Kongo, Demokratische Republik | ||||||||||
St. Maarten | Kosrae (Mikronesien, Konföd.) | ||||||||||
St. Martin (Guadeloupe) | Kuwait | ||||||||||
St. Thomas (amerik. Jungferninseln) | Laos | ||||||||||
St. Vincent und Grenadinen | Lesotho | ||||||||||
Tadschikistan | Libanon | ||||||||||
Tortola (britische Jungferninseln) | Liberia | ||||||||||
Trinidad und Tobago | Libyen | ||||||||||
Turkmenistan | Madagaskar | ||||||||||
Turks- und Caicosinseln | Malawi | ||||||||||
Union-Insel (St. Vincent und Grenadinen) | Malediven | ||||||||||
Usbekistan | Mali | ||||||||||
Virgin-Gorda (brit. Jungferninseln) | Marianen, nördliche | ||||||||||
Marokko | |||||||||||
Marshall-Inseln | |||||||||||
Mauretanien | |||||||||||
Mauritius | |||||||||||
Mayotte | |||||||||||
Mikronesien (Konföderation) | |||||||||||
Mosambik | |||||||||||
Namibia | |||||||||||
Nepal | |||||||||||
Neukaledonien | |||||||||||
Nicaragua | |||||||||||
Niger | |||||||||||
Ost Timor | |||||||||||
Palau | |||||||||||
Papua-Neuguinea | |||||||||||
Ponape (Mikronesien, Konföd.) | |||||||||||
Réunion | |||||||||||
Rota (nördliche Marianen) | |||||||||||
Ruanda | |||||||||||
Saipan (nördliche Marianen) | |||||||||||
Salomonen | |||||||||||
Sambia | |||||||||||
Samoa | |||||||||||
Samoa-Inseln, amerikanische | |||||||||||
Saudi-Arabien | |||||||||||
Senegal | |||||||||||
Seychellen | |||||||||||
Sierra Leone | |||||||||||
Simbabwe | |||||||||||
Sri Lanka | |||||||||||
Surinam | |||||||||||
Swasiland | |||||||||||
Tahiti | |||||||||||
Tansania | |||||||||||
Tinian (nördliche Marianen) | |||||||||||
Togo | |||||||||||
Tonga | |||||||||||
Truk (Mikronesien, Konföd.) | |||||||||||
Tschad | |||||||||||
Tunesien | |||||||||||
Tuvalu | |||||||||||
Uganda | |||||||||||
Vanuatu | |||||||||||
Vietnam | |||||||||||
Wallis und Futuna-Inseln | |||||||||||
Yap (Mikronesien, Konföd.) | |||||||||||
Zentralafrikanische Republik | |||||||||||
0,5 | kg | 15,28 | 16,06 | 16,23 | 22,01 | 22,25 | 23,16 | 23,90 | 23,90 | 25,69 | 27,76 |
1,0 | kg | 17,40 | 18,04 | 18,18 | 24,27 | 24,79 | 25,51 | 29,18 | 29,33 | 31,52 | 33,65 |
1,5 | kg | 19,53 | 19,99 | 20,17 | 26,28 | 26,82 | 27,39 | 34,42 | 34,76 | 37,36 | 39,56 |
2,0 | kg | 21,68 | 21,98 | 22,12 | 28,27 | 28,86 | 29,33 | 39,70 | 40,23 | 43,22 | 45,44 |
2,5 | kg | 23,81 | 23,93 | 24,10 | 30,28 | 30,89 | 31,58 | 44,99 | 45,65 | 49,04 | 51,33 |
3,0 | kg | 25,45 | 26,00 | 26,02 | 32,12 | 32,83 | 34,23 | 50,50 | 52,21 | 54,92 | 57,16 |
3,5 | kg | 27,09 | 27,98 | 28,53 | 33,99 | 34,59 | 36,68 | 55,43 | 57,77 | 60,39 | 63,05 |
4,0 | kg | 28,74 | 29,95 | 30,51 | 35,86 | 36,34 | 39,11 | 60,35 | 63,33 | 65,87 | 68,93 |
4,5 | kg | 30,36 | 31,93 | 32,49 | 37,72 | 38,12 | 41,56 | 65,29 | 68,90 | 71,35 | 74,81 |
5,0 | kg | 32,02 | 33,85 | 34,45 | 39,58 | 39,89 | 43,99 | 70,21 | 74,45 | 76,83 | 80,69 |
5,5 | kg | 33,41 | 35,34 | 36,17 | 40,97 | 41,66 | 46,59 | 73,75 | 77,52 | 79,68 | 83,63 |
6,0 | kg | 34,68 | 36,82 | 37,65 | 42,36 | 43,42 | 49,18 | 77,27 | 80,67 | 82,52 | 86,58 |
6,5 | kg | 35,97 | 38,33 | 39,13 | 43,78 | 45,17 | 51,79 | 80,79 | 83,87 | 85,40 | 89,50 |
7,0 | kg | 37,24 | 39,78 | 40,60 | 45,15 | 46,62 | 54,40 | 84,31 | 87,04 | 88,22 | 92,45 |
7,5 | kg | 38,52 | 41,25 | 42,07 | 46,56 | 48,05 | 56,96 | 87,83 | 90,25 | 91,07 | 95,37 |
8,0 | kg | 39,81 | 42,72 | 43,54 | 47,94 | 49,48 | 59,58 | 91,35 | 93,44 | 93,92 | 98,31 |
8,5 | kg | 41,08 | 44,20 | 45,03 | 49,34 | 50,90 | 62,15 | 94,89 | 96,62 | 96,82 | 101,24 |
9,0 | kg | 42,35 | 45,68 | 46,50 | 50,73 | 52,35 | 64,76 | 98,40 | 99,79 | 100,00 | 104,17 |
9,5 | kg | 43,63 | 47,16 | 47,98 | 52,12 | 53,74 | 67,35 | 101,91 | 102,99 | 103,21 | 107,11 |
10 | kg | 44,90 | 48,62 | 49,44 | 53,51 | 55,18 | 69,95 | 105,11 | 106,18 | 106,40 | 110,05 |
11 | kg | 45,81 | 49,60 | 50,53 | 54,59 | 56,35 | 74,04 | 107,37 | 109,73 | 109,80 | 113,64 |
12 | kg | 46,72 | 50,56 | 50,63 | 55,69 | 57,77 | 76,15 | 109,23 | 112,05 | 112,14 | 117,21 |
13 | kg | 47,62 | 51,53 | 51,71 | 56,76 | 59,19 | 78,28 | 111,12 | 114,38 | 115,02 | 120,81 |
14 | kg | 48,56 | 52,47 | 52,78 | 57,85 | 60,61 | 80,36 | 113,04 | 116,71 | 117,90 | 124,40 |
15 | kg | 49,46 | 53,45 | 53,86 | 58,92 | 62,04 | 82,49 | 114,94 | 119,05 | 120,77 | 127,97 |
16 | kg | 50,40 | 54,43 | 54,94 | 60,01 | 63,22 | 84,61 | 116,81 | 121,40 | 123,67 | 131,58 |
17 | kg | 51,29 | 55,38 | 56,03 | 61,11 | 64,42 | 86,72 | 118,68 | 123,73 | 126,51 | 135,14 |
18 | kg | 52,21 | 56,37 | 57,10 | 62,17 | 65,59 | 89,11 | 120,60 | 126,05 | 129,39 | 138,73 |
19 | kg | 53,13 | 57,33 | 58,19 | 63,26 | 66,78 | 91,48 | 122,48 | 128,39 | 132,27 | 142,31 |
20 | kg | 54,03 | 58,30 | 59,27 | 64,34 | 67,99 | 93,86 | 124,36 | 130,73 | 135,14 | 145,90 |
22 | kg | 55,97 | 60,27 | 61,20 | 66,67 | 69,82 | 99,25 | 130,12 | 136,18 | 140,38 | 151,49 |
24 | kg | 57,93 | 62,25 | 63,11 | 69,01 | 71,65 | 104,62 | 135,85 | 141,64 | 145,56 | 157,13 |
26 | kg | 59,89 | 64,24 | 65,07 | 71,34 | 73,48 | 109,99 | 141,60 | 147,11 | 150,77 | 162,71 |
28 | kg | 61,84 | 66,20 | 66,99 | 73,70 | 75,32 | 115,35 | 147,35 | 152,56 | 156,00 | 168,31 |
30 | kg | 63,81 | 68,21 | 68,90 | 76,03 | 77,16 | 120,72 | 153,07 | 158,04 | 161,21 | 173,89 |
35 | kg | 67,66 | 73,55 | 74,45 | 81,96 | 84,73 | 132,61 | 165,28 | 171,42 | 173,37 | 188,58 |
40 | kg | 71,55 | 78,90 | 79,99 | 87,92 | 90,40 | 144,51 | 178,24 | 184,90 | 186,83 | 203,27 |
45 | kg | 75,39 | 84,28 | 85,52 | 93,86 | 96,06 | 156,41 | 191,23 | 198,39 | 200,28 | 217,96 |
50 | kg | 79,74 | 90,03 | 91,07 | 99,78 | 101,75 | 168,29 | 204,20 | 211,86 | 213,73 | 232,64 |
55 | kg | 84,08 | 95,78 | 96,62 | 105,76 | 107,41 | 180,17 | 217,19 | 225,34 | 227,19 | 247,35 |
60 | kg | 88,48 | 101,54 | 102,15 | 111,69 | 113,08 | 192,07 | 230,15 | 238,84 | 240,65 | 262,03 |
65 | kg | 92,83 | 107,31 | 107,71 | 117,64 | 118,74 | 203,95 | 243,13 | 252,31 | 254,12 | 276,73 |
70 | kg | 97,16 | 113,07 | 113,24 | 123,57 | 124,42 | 215,84 | 256,11 | 265,80 | 267,56 | 291,41 |
In a fraction of a weight step of the next higher tariff is applied | |||||||||||
• VAT is not included in the tariff. | |||||||||||
• For shipments to certain zip codes in remote areas eg. some islands, a surcharge may be charged. |